
In the Loan Manager, is it possible to change a payment date for all loans at the same time?

Q: In the Loan Manager, is it possible to change a payment date for all loans at the same time? For example, I want to change the date from March 26 to March 27?

A: This can be done in batch but each date will have to be modified. You can do this for “Due Pmt” and “Paid Pmt” lines only.

  • Go to Tools > Post Payments
  • Check “Use Date interval”
  • Enter dates between March 26, 2021 and March 26, 2021 (or other dates)

In theory, you would change only the Due Pmt lines so therefore you don’t have to check “Include all Payment Line statuses”.  In the following example, I checked the option but this is usually not necessary…

Afterwards, you need to copy and paste the March 27 date (the new date) and modify line by line (faster with Ctrl C and Ctrl V (copy/paste) compared to manually entering teh date):

You will then be able to modify the dates and the lines will become light green. The chronological order of the lines must be followed:

Once the changes are done, click “Apply” and dates will be modified.