Importing batch payments in Margill Loan Manager (CSV, Excel)
Question: Our company collects weekly (bi-weekly or monthly – no matter) payments drawn directly from their bank accounts in some cases and in others as payroll deductions. We receive CSV files from the bank and processors. Can these transactions then be imported back to Margill Loan Manager? Answer: As you guessed, since I blogged this, […]
Margill Loan Manager: Is there a way for me to see if users are logged on to the system?
Question: Is there a way for me to see if users are logged on to the system? Answer: Go to Tools > Users and see this:
Can Loan Manager be used to collect invoices with payments here an there? Each invoice only starts accruing interest after 30 days.
Q: Can Loan Manager be used to collect invoices with payments here an there? Each invoice only starts accruing interest after 30 days. We are a medium-sized law firm and send out invoices to our clients irregularly. Many of our clients do not pay within the 30 days allotted (invoices are Net 30 days otherwise the […]
Margill Loan Manager – Features inquiry…
Is there a limit on the number of notes that can be tracked at one time? Not really. The number of loans you can enter in the system is based on your license package. Our largest users have 30,000 loans, our smallest maybe 5? Price is based on number of loans and users. Can the […]
How to enter loan number, Federal Tax ID, set up automatic late fees, create a line of credit, etc.?
Questions: In Margill Loan Manager: 1) How/where do I enter my loan #? Can I change the identifier number automatically assigned by Margill? 2) Most of my clients are businesses, and I do not see a place to enter the Federal Tax ID number. I would also like to add fields for type of company, […]
Intercompany Loan Management with a Loan Servicing Software
Intercompany loans Very often, when a company has many subsidiaries, branches or franchises, the head office will afford loans to these other entities. These subsidiaries in turn can lend to other entities and so forth. These intercompany loans often represent quite a challenge to the accountants and controllers since the loans are not part of […]
Can Margill Loan Manager do progressive Advances to my clients?
Question: Can Margill Loan Manager do progressive Advances to my clients? For example, my borrower was authorized for a $100,000 loan but this will be disbursed in stages. So 15,000 one day, 10,000 another and so forth… Answer: Short answer… very easily… You first create a new Record. In this case the first advance of […]
Margill Loan Manager – Principal and Interest forecast
Question: I need to break down the due payment for the next fiscal into Due payment interest portion total and Due payment principal portion. Answer: If you are on version 4.3 and above (go to to download) go to Reports > Personalized Reports > Record List (Customized) with Period Breaks. 1) Report template Click […]
Margill Loan Manager – General Ledger (GL) Accounts
Questions: 1. In terms of the accounting report and accounting identifiers, are these captured at the borrower level, or the record level? How is this selection made and where is it used/displayed on the accounting report? 2. In our accounts we split interest accrued and other fees by product type, i.e. a separate GL account […]
Typical questions before software purchase – Margill Loan Manager
Questions: We are a secured lender, our loans are secured against properties. Does the system allow us to input details of the property and loan to value against each loan? How do I do this? Will the system give me an overview of our loan book as a whole? Some clients pay monthly, some clients we […]
How can I set up multiple Global Initial Fees in Margill Loan Manager?
Question: How to set Global Initial Fees which are a) a flat $100, b) a Dealer Fee of 7% of the loan amount and c) an Admin one time initial fee of 7% of the loan amount. These fees are financed, not paid up front… How and where do I set the Initial 3 fees […]
How do we update the interest rates for multiple records at once?
Question: The Prime rate changed. How do we update the interest rates for multiple records at once?
How to add late fees automatically?
Question: How to add late fees automatically?